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aktu software engineering important questions
Unit: 01
- Describe software engineering and it’s components.
- What is software crisis ? Discuss main reason and results of software crisis
- Short notes on : (i) waterfall model (i) prototype model
- Differentiate between software engineering process and conventional engineering process.
- Explain spiral model
- What are software process models?
Unit: 02
- Discuss requirement engineering
- Explain software requirement specification (SRS)
- Discuss verification and validation
- Explain SQA with life cycle
- Short notes on : (i) Data flow diagram (ii) ISO 9000 certification (ii) SEM CMM model
Unit: 03
- What are various software design strategies ? Discuss difference between object oriented design and function oriented design.
- Short notes on (i) coupling (ii) cohesion (iii) structure charts
- Explain software metrics with its types.
- How cyclomatic complexity is measured?
- Differentiate between the features of top down and bottom up approaches of software design with its advantage and disadvantages.
Unit: 04
- Define software testing. Explain various level of testing.
- Discuss the objectives and principal of software testing ?
- Explain the concept of white box and black box testing
- Difference between testing and debugging.
- Short notes on : (i) Walkthrough (ii) Code inspection (iii) FTR
Unit: 05
- Why is software maintenance required? Explain types of maintenance with example
- Short notes on (Ii) software re-engineering (ii) software reverse engineering.
- What is risk management ? How are project risks different from technical risks?
- What is Gantt chart? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of Gantt charts.
- Short notes on (Ii) CASE tool (ii) Change control process.