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Indian Tradition Culture and Society important questions
Unit: 01
- Give an account into the origin and evolution of the state in ancient India.
- Describe the stages of state formation in ancient India.
- Explain Council of Ministers in ancient India.
- Write a short note on : Kautilya’s saptanga (The sevenlimbs) theory of state.
- Give a brief account on society in ancient India. Also explain what do you mean by purusartha ?
- Write a short note on : Understanding gender as a social category
Indian Tradition Culture and Society
Unit: 02
- Write short note on : (i) Brahmi script (ii) Harappan script
- Write shorts notes on : Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda and Atharva-Veda.
- Write short note on : (i) Story of Ramayana (ii) story of Mahabharata (iii)Purana
- Give an account on the Buddhist literature.
- Write short note on : Kautilya’s Arthashastra.
Unit: 03
- Write a short note on : Religion.
- What are the six systems of ancient Indian philosophy
- Write a short note on : The Bhakti movement.
- Write a short note on : Buddhist Scriptures & Dharmaparishadas.
- Mention the modern religious practices in India.
Unit: 04
- Describe about the concept of Astronomy in India.
- Give a description about the Water Management and Textile Technology in India.
- Illustrate any five contribution from individuals from different part of Indian traditional knowledge system.
- Write briefly about any two of the following: (i) Medicine in India (ii) Metallurgy in India (iii) Traditional Changes in India
- Write a short note on : Mathematics in ancient India.
Unit: 05
- Discuss about the concept of Engineering and Architecture in Ancient india.
- Discuss about the role of Engineering and Architecture in Ancient India.
- Give a description about Sculptures and coins under the Indian Cultural Heritage.
- What do you understand by pottery ? Explain.
- Illustrate any three traditional music forms.