Big Data Important Questions

Most important Questions unit wise

Unit : 1

  1. What is Big data define big data platform & characteristic of Big Data?
  2. Compare Structure & Instructure data to each other.
  3. Define Importance & Architecture of big data.
  4. What is Big data Security & What are the step for Synchronizing big data compare conditional database with intelligent data tools.
  5. Define different type of data analytic tools.
Big Data Important Questions

Unit : 2

  1. Define Apache Hadoop with the short history of Hadoop.
  2. What is HDFS & Define the working HDFS.
  3. Describe architecture of Hadoop & also describe the Component use in Apache Hadoop.
  4. Write a short note on following topics : (i) Hadoop streaming (ii) Hadoop Pipe (iii) Scaling out (iv) Hadoop ecosystem.
  5. Explain different Phases of Map Reduce.
  6. Explain with example of Real world of MapReduce & also explain Input & output format.

Unit : 3

  1. Describe the design concept of HDFS also explain it’s benefit & challenges.
  2. Explain how HDFS can read & write file.
  3. Write short note on following topics: (i) Name Node (ii) Data Node (iii) Block Node (iv) HDFS federation.
  4. What is block abstraction.
  5. Explain Sqoop, flume and Avro.

Unit : 4

  1. Write a short notes on MR version1, MR version 2.
  2. Write a short note on Advantage & disadvantage of NoSQL.
  3. What Is MangoDB. Explain update & delete document in MangoDB.
  4. What is a spark .
  5. Short notes on : (i) Spark application (ii)Job (iii) stages and task
  6. What is Scala & how to use classes, fields method in scala.

Unit : 05

  1. What are various data processing in operator in Pig & also Compare b/w Pig Latin & SQL.
  2. What is Apache Hive & also explain its Architecture.
  3. Compare Hive with traditional database.
  4. Explain working of Hive with Hadoop & also explain. its services.
  5. What is H-Base Concept & Compare H-Base with RDBMS.
  6. What is Zookeeper & How it help in monitor a cluster.
  7. What is IBM big data strategy & Pig SQL.

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